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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.fan.pern:2546 news.answers:4677
- Newsgroups: alt.fan.pern,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!caen!destroyer!fmsrl7!lynx!vesta.unm.edu!kogoma
- From: kogoma@vesta.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
- Subject: Welcome to alt.fan.pern (Semi-monthly posting)
- Message-ID: <pern-intro-1-724554637@lynx.unm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 92 01:10:43 GMT
- Expires: Mon, 04 Jan 93 07:00:00 GMT
- Organization: Nit-Pickers for a Better Tomorow Afternoon
- Reply-To: kogoma@vesta.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
- Followup-To: alt.fan.pern
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Summary: Introductory material for the alt.fan.pern newsgroup
- Keywords: Pern FAQ Intro
- Originator: kogoma@vesta.unm.edu
- Lines: 436
- Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4
- Archive-name: pern-intro
- Last-Modified: 09 Dec 92
- This newsgroup is dedicated to discussion of the fictional world of
- Pern as described in the various novels and short stories by Anne
- McCaffrey. Related topics include Ms. McCaffrey's other works, and
- several of the on-line 'virtual realities' depicting Pern (see below).
- Note: Starting 1 November 1992, this article is being cross-posted to
- the news.answers newsgroup for extended expire times and archival on
- rtfm.mit.edu.
- Questions addressed:
- 1) What is Pern?
- 2) Can you list the books?
- a) What is the chrnological order of events?
- b) In what order should I read them?
- 3) What else is there?
- 4) Reference books?
- 5) Pern on-line?
- 6) Access to Pern-type MU*s?
- 7) Why is this group always being innundated with this MU* stuff?
- 8) Any Fan clubs?
- 9) What's the deal wrt fan fiction on this group?
- 1) "Ok. So what is this Pern place anyway?"
- Pern is the third planet of the Rukbat system in the Sagittarius
- sector. It is a Colony world which has lost contact with 'Mother
- Earth' due to periodic attacks from an organism called 'thread' which
- devours all organic material it comes into contact with. To counter
- Thread, the Pernese - back when they still had the skills - modified
- an indigenous life-form to create Dragons - so named for the mythical
- beasts they resemble.
- 'Modern day' Pern has lost many of the skills originally brought
- with the colonists and can probably be best described as a 'pre-
- industrial' society.
- Alternatively, Pern is the home of Dragons, their riders, and
- various other people as depicted in Anne McCaffrey's _Dragonriders of
- Pern_ series and related books.
- 2) "Ah...Books. Can you give me a list?"
- [Release of 1st printing in parentheses.]
- The _Dragonriders of Pern_ trilogy (Also available in a single
- hardcover volume through the SF book club, and trade paperback in a few
- bookstores).
- _Dragonflight_(1968), _Dragonquest_(1971), _The White Dragon_(1978)
- The _Harper Hall of Pern_ trilogy (Available as a single hardbound
- copy through the SF book club).
- _Dragonsong_(1976), _Dragonsinger_(1977), _Dragondrums_(1979)
- _Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern_ (1983)
- _Nerilka's Story_ (1986)
- _Dragonsdawn_ (1988)
- _The Renegades of Pern_ (1990)
- _All the Weyrs of Pern_ (1991)
- Additionally, there are two short stories and a limited-release
- novella.
- "The Smallest Dragonboy" (Pub 1973, found in _Get off the Unicorn_)
- _The Girl Who Heard Dragons_ (1985 - 100 signed copies published.)
- "Rescue Run" (Aug 1991 _Analog_)
- There are rumors that the above three will be appearing in a Pern anthology
- to be released sometime in the future.
- It should also be noted that this all started with the Hugo-winning
- novella: "Weyr Search" published in October 1967 in _Analog_. This
- story now forms the first quarter of _Dragonflight_.
- 2a) "What is the chronological order of events?"
- This is kinda tricky, as some books depict the same events from
- different points of view. Here's what the concensus seems to be:
- [Thanks to jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca (Joshua Sean Bell) for concocting
- the following:]
- +--------------+ Backwards
- | Dragonsdawn | ^
- +--------------+ |
- +--------------+ Time
- | "Rescue Run" | |
- +--------------+ v
- Forwards
- +--------+------------------+
- | Moreta | Nerilka's Story |
- +--------+------------------+
- +-----------+
- +--------------+ | |
- | Dragonflight | | | +---------------+
- +--------------+ | | | "The Smallest |
- | | +--------------+ | | | Dragonboy" |
- | Dragonquest | | Dragonsong | | | +---------------+
- | | | Dragonsinger | | Renegades | +---------------+
- | | +--------------+ | of | | "The Girl Who |
- +--------------+ +--------------+ | Pern | | Heard Dragons"|
- | Dragondrums | | | +---------------+
- +--------------+ | |
- +------------------+ | |
- | The White Dragon | | |
- | | | |
- +------------------+ | |
- +-----------+-----------+
- | |
- | All the Weyrs of Pern |
- | |
- +-----------------------+
- 2b) "What is the suggested reading order?"
- Ms. McCaffrey suggests that the books be read in order of publication
- (i.e. start with _Dragonflight_ and go in published order).
- Alternatively, she suggests starting with _Dragonsong_ as a 'gentler'
- introduction, completing the Harper Hall trilogy, and then going back
- to _Dragonflight_, _Dragonquest_, et. al.
- 3) "That's a lot of books. I take it it's pretty popular."
- Indeed. In addition to the above books by McCaffrey, there is a
- boardgame, two "Choose your path" books, a game simulating fighting
- thread from dragonback, several 'reference books', and numerous
- computer-based 'virtual realities' based on Pern.
- 4) "Reference books?"
- Yes. They include:
- _The Atlas of Pern_ by Karen Fonstead
- (Out of print, but still available if you look around for it. The
- Science Fiction Book Club apparently still has copies in stock.)
- _The People of Pern_ with sketches/paintings by Robin Wood,
- text by McCaffrey.
- (Actually, more of a 'photo album' for the major characters.)
- _The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern*_ by Jody Lyn Nye with Anne McCaffrey
- (Considered by many to be *the* reference work on Pern...aside from the
- books themselves.)
- [* Frequently abbreviated as 'DLG'.]
- 5) "You mentioned something about 'virtual realities' back there. Care to
- elaborate?"
- [ Thanks to: jsb16@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Jennifer S Broekman)
- for legwork in tracking down many of these. ]
- Some people have gone to the extent of attempting to duplicate Pern
- with a multi-user program designed to allow people to assume the roles
- of dragonriders, harpers, holders, etc. While the most frequently discussed
- is PernMUSH (See the 'What is PernMUSH?' Mimi-FAQ' for more details),
- it is by no means the only one.
- [Note to readers in Australia: My understanding is that the authorities
- there have banned overseas MU*ing for the forseeable future.]
- Pern-themed MUSHes:
- PernMUSH [1] (freya.arc.nasa.gov or port 4201
- SouConMUSH (soucon.cygnus.com or port 4201
- [These two are set during just prior to the 10th pass and are
- considered parallel.]
- DragonsDawnMUSH (elof.iit.edu or port 2508
- [Set during the start of the second pass.]
- MUSHes with Pern areas:
- TinyTIM (control.spies.com or port 5440
- [Contains the missing Telgar/Crom area from PernMUSH. Also
- considered in parallel with PernMUSH and SouConMUSH.]
- TinyCWRU (caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu or port 4201
- SpellBoundMUSH (notrees.cs.utexas.edu or port 4201
- AmberMUSH (hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu or port 4201
- Pern-themed MUSE:
- DragonsFireMUSE (snake.ssc.gov or port 4444
- [Set before the 11th pass.]
- [1] Will eventually move to pern.pc.cs.cmu.edu. Please read 'news db'
- on PernMUSH for more details.
- 6) "How do I get on these things?"
- Well, the quick way of doing it is to telnet to the appropriate
- machine specifying the port listed (use the numeric address if the
- name won't work). For more info, look at the rec.games.mud.*
- newsgroups. (Rec.games.mud.tiny and rec.games.mud.misc primarily.)
- 7) "You know, I'm getting tired of all the discussion about PernMUSH
- and its ilk! Why doesn't it go away?"
- To put it bluntly, 'Put up or shut up.'
- In less rude terms, if you wish to discuss something about Pern which
- currently isn't being addressed, please start the thread and see if
- anybody wants to respond. There is nothing preventing you from
- posting/discussing what you like on this newsgroup except what you
- anticipate the response to be.
- 8) Ok. So the MU*s have a pretty large concentration of Pern fans.
- How about in the 'real world'?
- [ Note: I am not a member of any of the below, so I have no idea as to
- activities/policy/quality. ]
- [ Also, many thanks to jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca (Joshua Sean Bell) for
- sending me the following. ]
- From: Bob Snyder, rsnyder@atl.dnet.ge.com
- Pern Fandom Organizations
- This is a listing of all known Pern fandom groups which publish
- newsletters or fanzines, current as of July 1991. Weyrs are listed
- first; alphebetically and in order of when they are in Pern's
- timeline. Since dues are subject to change, I did not include the cost
- of membership. Location on Pern and contact person's persona are in
- parenthesis. Please include a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope)
- with any inquiry.
- Fandom Weyrs
- Early Ninth Pass
- High Reaches - Early 9th (Northern) Lakeview Weyr (Southern)
- Weyrwoman Kyleen, gold Alynth Weyrwoman Aeron, gold Kryseth
- Beth Baldwin (Weyrleader D'bas) Missy Good (Weyrleader R'gan)
- 9366 Jamaica Dr. 1160 NE 176th St.
- Miami, FL 33189 N. Miami Beach, FL 33126
- Late Ninth Pass
- Cambray Weyr (Southern) Fort Weyr (Northern)
- Weyrwoman Randella, gold Corinth Weyrwoman Jana, gold Kanarith
- Steve Herrick (Wingsecond T'ran) Andi Bennett-Banks (Drgnhealer Deleyan)
- 6681 Highland Greens Dr. #203-F P.O. Box 15440
- West Chester, OH 45069 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
- High Reaches (Northern) Thalos Weyr (Southern)
- Weyrwoman Gessika, gold Elyseth Weyrwoman Ehtele, gold Selyth
- Laurie McCurry (Weyrwoman Gessika) Veronica Yarwoski (Weyrwoman Ehtele)
- 717 1/2 W. Connell 1457 McDermot Ave.
- Stillwater, OK 74075 Winnipeg, MB R3E OJ5 Canada
- Ista Weyr (Northern)
- Weyrwoman Merelan, gold Lyrath
- Marilyn Alm (Weyrwoman Merelan)
- 2911 Eton Street
- New Orleans, LA 70131
- [I have received a note from Judith Tabron (tabron@binah.cc.brandeis.edu)
- about a fanzine generated by the 9th pass Ista Weyr organization: _Weyr Words_
- For more information, snail-mail:
- Judith Tabron / Holly Hutchison
- 4 Walnut St. 3-R
- Waltham, MA 02154
- (Subscriptions, questions, requests for more info)
- or e-mail the above address.
- Prices listed were U$15.00 for 4 issues (1 year), or U$3.75 for a
- trial issue.
- Also mentioned was the fact that they were looking for submissions of
- fan fiction and/or artwork.
- The compiler of this article has no connection to the above, and
- includes this information by request.]
- Tenth Pass
- Argon of Cantee (Cantee) Clune Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
- Weyrwoman Shelana, silver Tellath Weyrleader K'lax, bronze Kilanth
- Pat Munson-Siter (Weyrwoman Shelana) Jason Jacobs (Weyrleader K'lax)
- P.O. Box 455 1916 Glenwood Dr.
- Box Elder, SD 57719 San Angelo, TX 76901
- Crystal Weyr (Southern) ForTen (Northern; Fort Weyr)
- Weyrwoman Kirylyn, gold Kith Weyrwoman Liarra, gold Glowenth
- Lisa Bohni (Weyrwoman Kirylyn) Judy Carter (Weyrwoman Liarra)
- 26135 Delos Drive 2116 Margery
- Torrance, CA 90505-7303 Ypsilanti, MI 48198-7003
- Haven Weyr (Southern) High Reaches 10 (Northern)
- Weyrwoman Celina, gold Candith Weyrwoman Niniane, gold Danuth
- Debbie Bryan (Weyrwoman Celina) Heather Moore (Weyrwoman Niniane)
- 1619 Eufaula Hgts. 3428 Lariat Lane, Apt. 56
- Longview, WA 98632 Orlando, FL 32826
- Igen Weyr (Northern) Ista-Ten (Northern)
- Weyrwoman Politra, gold Iliath Weyrleader L'dan, bronze Cirth
- Kim Farr (Weyrwoman Politra) Dale Staley (Weyrleader L'dan)
- P.O. Box 26845 1074 Shoreview Ct.
- Tempe, AZ 85285-6845 W. Pittsburg, CA 94565
- Janus Weyr (Southern) Northwind Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
- Weyrwoman Nimaleah, gold Cameleonth Weyrwoman Elyssa, gold Elaygith
- Tinker Strother (Wingsecond Gemma) Jennifer Gower (Weyrwoman Elyssa)
- Rt. 3, Box 190 205 - A Richards
- Fairfield, TX 75840-9800 College Station, TX 77840
- Sable Weyr (Southern) Segel Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
- Weyrwoman Perra, gold Floranth Weyrwoman Elitha
- Perri Scott (Weyrwoman Perra) Chanatl Guadiano (JnmArchvst Kendori)
- 1236 Glen Avenue 3333 Cummins # 21
- Florence, AL 35603 Houston, TX 77027
- Southern Weyr (Southern) StarRise Weyr (Eastern Ring Islands)
- Weyrwoman Lerai, gold Zanolith Weyrwoman Kishandra, gold Rhysendith
- Dina Grozev (Weyrwoman Lerai) April Masters (Weyrwoman Kishandra)
- 144 S. Linden P.O. Box 81338
- Palatine, IL 60067 Smyrna, GA 30081
- Talkon Weyr (Far Eastern Continent) Telgar Weyr (Northern)
- Weyrwoman Deveera, gold Asfaloth Weyrwoman Ynora, gold Novath
- Deborah Fredericks (Weyrwoman Deveera) James Smith
- 4403 N. Monroe 603 S. Blackburn
- Spokane, WA 99205 Brady, TX 76825-5606
- Visia Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
- Weyrwoman Maeve, gold Dargenth
- Robin Watson (Weyrwoman Maeve)
- 2123 Industrial Blvd.
- San Angelo, TX 76409-5570
- Other Pern Clubs
- Caravan Fatis (10th Pass-Northern) Gar Hold/Darriel Council (Northern)
- High Reaches and Fort Territories 9th Pass Ista Territory/Darkover
- Heather Moore (Wagonsmaster Jason Fatis) Victoria A. Smith
- 3428 Lariat Lane, Apt. #56 12627 Harbor Drive
- Orlando, FL 32826 Woodbridge, VA 22192
- Healercraft Hall 9 & 10 (Northern & Southern) Pern Jockey Club (10th Pass)
- Healermaster Jillian For Runnerbeast Racing Fans
- Scotty Matthews (Master Jillian) Debbie Bryan
- 310 Barnett Shoals Rd. #20 1619 Eufaula Hgts.
- Athens, GA 30605 Longview, WA 98632
- [I've also received word of a BBS in Denver CO: (303)341-7868.
- However, no connect info was provided and I'm not set up to check for
- myself.]
- 9) "Is it ok if I posted some of my own fan fiction here?"
- NOTE: The following applies to fan fiction posted to the net. I do
- not have (nor do I desire) the authority to prevent any quasi/illegal
- acts on this newsgroup. The following is presented for informational
- purposes. You may heed or ignore as you wish, but I deny all
- responsibility for any legal problems you may encounter.
- (Also note that PernMUSH, SouConMUSH, Spellbound MUSH, and DragonsFire
- MUSE have Anne McCaffrey's blessing to exist. I am uncertain about the
- status of the other MU*s.)
- [Thanks to "Chris Croughton" <chris@keris.demon.co.uk> for getting the
- following.]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 08-Oct-92 11:39 BST
- Sb: InterNet Pern rules
- Fm: Anne McCaffrey [72007,45]
- The rules are that my characters may be referred to but not used. BUT
- there can be no adventure/stories set on Pern at all!!!!! That's
- infringing on my copyright and can bear heavy penalities - particularly
- right now when there's a film deal (yet another) which has bought and paid
- for the right to use the material - which, I fear, e-mail users have not.
- On CIS, I have asked people to limit Pern material to a discussion of
- their persona and dragons, fire-lizards, etc., in a diarist form.
- Fanzines have slightly more latitude as the zine is usually mailed only to
- members so that's limited publication, and a due copyright notice is
- included. As there is no such protection on electronic mail, we authors
- have to be insistent on these safeguards.
- I know this can be confusing since Paramount and Star Trek are handled
- differently, but that's the point: they are, and have been. Individual
- themes and characters of s-f & fantasy novels are not. And such
- indiscriminate usage of our characters, worlds, and concepts on a *public*
- media like electronic mail constitute copyright infringement AND, which
- many fans disregard, is ACTIONABLE! Both the e-mail company AND the
- person. My publishers are most insistent on that point! So it's to
- safeguard the interested e-mail user that I make these very strong, and
- perhaps unpalatable points.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Chris' commentary:]
- To repeat - it's *not* Anne who forbids this: it's her publishers - and
- they are NOT required to tell her of any such actions which they may be
- undertaking. The first she will probably know of it is when someone
- tells her, having heard over the net...
- [End commentary.]
- ---
- Remember, while discussion about the various PernMU*s often threaten to
- overwhelm the traffic of this newsgroup, it is primarily about *Pern*, not
- the implementations thereof.
- [ Additions/corrections/comments welcome. ]
- --
- Capt. Gym Z. Quirk (Known to some as Taki Kogoma) kogoma@vesta.unm.edu
- I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be superior to
- what I have now...